
How Long Does it Take Electronic Waste to Decompose?

E-waste is on the landfill blacklist for a good reason. Electronic devices seem like they were made to resist decomposition … forever. The glass they might contain takes 1-2 million years to decompose. Plastics last forever: a plastic jug lasts 1 million years, 塑料袋的比例是20比1,000年. 这是为了…




ERI is one of the largest e-waste recyclers in the world and is deeply invested in making that world a greener place. But do you ever wonder what a device goes through when it’s recycled by ERI, and what makes the process so comprehensive and secure in the first place? 以下是来龙去脉[…]



Four 数据的破坏 Methods That Could Put Your Data At Risk

Data security is one of the most important issues of our day. 可悲的是, 数据泄露事件时有发生, 像索尼这样的大公司, Anthem和eBay成为头条新闻. NPR also reported on the emerging black market for stolen health care data. The Target security breach on the tail end of 2013 is probably the most high-profile case in the […]



How Fixing Devices or Buying Refurbished Reduces E-Waste

Sometimes buying a new product is more convenient than taking the time to fix or have your old product refurbished. But there are many reasons why it’s worth the effort to buy refurbished or check to see if your device can be repaired. Think before buying new New stuff means new materials are being used […]



How Industry Leaders Are Furthering E-Waste Recycling

Just as the quantity of consumer electronics produced is on the rise, 它被丢弃的速度也是如此. 幸运的是, the quantity of e-waste that is recycled is also increasing, 尽管没有必要的那么快. However, in 2013, the amount of e-waste that was recycled more than doubled, as businesses and […]




所有 the stories out there about data mined off of old devices raise an interesting question: Just how do people get data off of an old device? 答案是:非常容易. If you can recover old data through data recovery software, so can anyone else. If the police can get into devices, so can identity […]
